Morse Code

Letter Morse
A .-
B -…
C -.-.
D -..
E .
F ..-.
G –.
H ….
I ..
J .—
K -.-
L .-..
N -.
P .–.
Q –.-
R .-.
U ..-
V …-
W .–
X -..-
Y -.–
Z –..
Digit Morse
0 —–
1 .—-
2 ..—
3 …–
4 ….-
5 …..
6 -….
7 –…
8 —..
9 —-.
Letter Morse
Ä .-.-
Á .–.-
Å .–.-
Ch —-
É ..-..
Ñ –.–
Ö —.
Ü ..–
Punctuation Mark Morse
Ampersand [&] .-…
Apostrophe [‘] .—-.
At sign [@] .–.-.
Bracket, close (parenthesis) [)] -.–.-
Bracket, open (parenthesis) [(] -.–.
Colon [:] —…
Comma [,] –..–
Equals sign [=] -…-
Exclamation mark [!]

Not in ITU-R recommendation

Full-stop (period) [.] .-.-.-
Hyphen [-] -….-
Plus sign [+] .-.-.
Quotation marks [“] .-..-.
Question mark (query) [?] ..–..
Slash [/] -..-.
Prosign Morse
AA, New line .-.-
AR, End of message .-.-.
AS, Wait .-…
BK, Break -…-.-
BT, New paragraph -…-
CL, Going off the air (“clear”) -.-..-..
CT, Start copying -.-.-
DO, Change to wabun code -..—
KN, Invite a specific station to transmit -.–.
SK, End of transmission (also VA) …-.-
SN, Understood (also VE) …-.
SOS, Distress message …—…
Other Phrases Abbreviation
Over K
Roger R
See you later CUL
Be seeing you BCNU
You’re UR
Signal report RST
Best regards 73
Love and kisses 88
Q Code (?) Meaning
QSL I acknowledge receipt
QSL? Do you acknowledge?
QRX Wait
QRX? Should I wait?
QRV I am ready to copy
QRV? Are you ready to copy?
QRL The frequency is in use
QRL? Is the frequency in use?
QTH My location is…
QTH? What is your location?